The Palace Church, was created in the heavens and revealed by the Holy Spirit to be established as a manifestation of God's Kingdom in the earth, that Christ might reign in us, who believe, to be his house, a Palace fit for the King of kings. We are commissioned to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God into all the kingdoms of this world, so that they might be transformed and become the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth. It is our mandate to preach the Gospel; by which the Kingdom of God's dominion comes down from Heaven within the believer, by way of the Holy Spirit to be occupied as his Holy habitation. We are called to a divine assignment to release the hand of God to move and exercise his authority where ever believers are present. This is to expose the embodiment of the Godhead and all his benefits, provisions, power and character of his person. We are positioned by God, to manifest, his Kingdom, so that this world might be swayed from it's present evil system and be influenced by the Dominion of God's rule, his order, and a Holy system, where Christ's church is in authority ready and equipped to impose upon this evil world the dominion of God's righteous kingdom. The Palace is a Global body of believers without denomination, segregation, racism, sexism, or any other kind of prejudice, but an elect called unto the general assembly the church of the living God where all distinctions are lost. A people with a clear view of destiny and purpose, a vision and scripture to be fulfilled according to (Revelation 11:15) The Kingdoms of this world has become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ. We are the Palace, the house of God's dominion autority, and rule. A people, his people, called out to be trained, in training to be equipped, equipping to be empowred, empowering to take over!